au revoir paris

A really emotional good bye. You should have seen me!
Au revoir Maman. 

our last supper

We rushed to Laduree for our last macaroon.

Walked home via Concorde one last time.

I can't believe she's still letting me take photos of her.

Brian lugging 'la poussette' one last time.

We've had so much fun!

Mmmmm, I'm gonna miss creme brûlée 

I think I might lick the bowl


last french class

Our french teacher decided to make a gateaux au chocolat for the last class.

Mmmmmm melted chocolate brewing, the French know how to use chocolate.

Our French recipe.

Licking the bowl.

Here's our gorgeous teacher Anne-Cecile. The kids loved her!

luxembourg gardens

Chloe is always up for having fun.

So is Zac...

Chloe and Zac strolling and chatting in the garden.

Could this parc be more beautiful?

Zac's new haircut.

Loving my camera!

Sailing boats one last time.

Posing one last time.

Perfection. A crisp, sunny Autumn day and a NUTELLA and coconut crepe.

Zac's really getting into museum's now. He volunteered to join me and
forced me to get the audioguide.

Zac's museum tour.

The last relaxed Sunday in Paris. That will be the last time Brian and I see
each other for months once the chaos begins back home.

What amazing kids we have. We're so lucky!

Capturing a moment in time.

Zac and Chloe posing as statues with leaves covering their private bits.

Au revoir escargots...

lunch at friends

Catching up on diaries...not many days to go. 

Lunch at friends in the 14th Robert Grace and Sarah de Teliga
followed by a gorgeous walk through Parc Montsouris.

le last time

French lessons in the morning and then we hit the Marais on a beautiful
warm day and from a distance at exactly the same time Katie Vidor and I lay
eyes on each other and scream out......ahhhh Nat and Katie had been sms'ing
re time to catch up, but much more fun just bumping into her coincidentally.

Kisses and cuddles and laughs and we spend a few hours playing.

Wait one minute!!!! I see a strange alien with a tree and a lemon.
So we do the lulav shake.


Ambi does the shake.

Even Nats does a little prayer and a shake!

And we have a coffee... okay yes your right hiding behind Shauns shoulder
(Katie's friend) is a cheese cake and a poppy seed cake from the local.

Hahahaha!!!!! great seeing you katie. Doesn't she look gorgeous xxx

place des vosges

Picked a winner day to hang out in the Marais. Raphael mary and joe join us.

Raphael has done quite nice for himself...

Correct!!!!! Thats Ben making friends. Chip off the old block.

Not very good choice of friends.... he smokes now.



Ok, tried to hide this shot. He drinks now too.

Amazing paintings in the park. 

And a day near the Marais wouldn't be complete without felafel. By the way
on a perfect day in the Marais on a Sunday you can wait up to an hour for
felafel. Today was no exception. I went to buy them for the gang with
Chloe and I showed her how to shmoooze. We slipped the queue controller
5 Euro and he took us straight to the front of the falafel empire