jardin de plantes

Another one of those amazing parks in Paris. Huge park, hot houses,
a zoo, a skeleton museum, huge stuffed animal museum, walks, coffees,
cinemas...and another model shot from Ambi.

Some bee project thingy.


Me bullshitting to the kids again about poachers in Africa killing elephants
for their tusks. What will happen when the kids get a little older and start to
question my bullshit?? 


New strange unknown species added to the famous exhibition. People flock
in the millions to the new attraction. That's Noah in the front.

Modeling again.



Tried to make up with this moose.........
He was serious about wanting royalties for using his name without aproval.

We shake hands, I mean antlers and i get his bank details and promise
to transfer the funds!

This is the shot that reminds me of Noah's ark and Doctor Doolittle.
Three entire floors of seriously large taxidermy. Truly amazing and realistic. 

Check the clothes out, starting to get a bit chilly.

Huge hot houses.

We are confronted by strange animals. I think this animal has a bear suit on?

Never seen a leaf this size before . Look at it up against ambit lu.

Strange hat mate!

Wheres Wally? Look up a little higher!

I see!

Ayecurrumba! these are sharp.....

So we have five savory crepes....go to an amazing English book store 
called Shakespeare and Co opposite Notre Dame and we rush home to 
download (for free) Doctor Doolittle and shmuddle up on the couch 
and have dinner and icecream.... another damn late night. Nobody told 
me that movie was 2.5 hours long. But a great movie all the same.