parc floral

In front of Chateau de Vincennes.
There is a huge moat down around the castle. we all imagined in the medieval
day, sharks swimming around and how difficult it would be to get across.
That was the idea no!! 

Parks here are not like caulfield park. They are seriously huge.
You can't get through them in 1 day and you can't do and play on everything
they have to offer.  Animals, amusements, boats, sexy chicks.

Took kids to hospital after these slides.
Third degree skid burns on arms, back and legs.

Having fun climbing.

Higher and higher.

Okay already! enough climbing. heeelp!!

I was amazed that Zac could build such a huge structure with no instructions
in the box.

As if she needs to stretch any longer.

Kids locked and loaded!

I wish we could understand the French instructions.

So this is one of the amazing things they have in the park.

You had to be over 1.3 m and understand the French serious instructions.
We passed neither but that didn't stop us.

Okay, so at this stage the parents are cucking in the chouyzen.

Wow, I'm doing the splits.

I think I'm in trouble.

You think you're in trouble. Help me up somebody. Lucky he has good abs

Night sets in and they're still going............

So much fun!

"I did the balance beam when i was in prep. This is a bit higher up!"

"I saw a guy do this across Niagara falls on the geography channel." 

Easier driving a car in naples!

Chloe behind the wheel.......
Instructions from hire place- you have to be over 18 years to drive.
No exceptions! ooops.

If you'd let me get out of that pram occasionally, maybe I'd learn to walk.


A for.......... Amber



"can we get one of these at home...please!"

C for......... Chloe

And again
